Friday, January 6, 2012

God's Plan For Marriage

Genesis 2.24, "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast (cling) to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh."

As I have observed people for many years, I have come to the conclusion that, for the most part, marriage is not held in high esteem. So many just live together and have children together without ever considering marriage. What does this verse mean? What is God saying about marriage? If a person cannot commit to the marriage covenant, how are they going to commit to be a parent?

Do we understand that marriage is the first instituion ordained by God. Do we understand that marriage is a tangible picture of Christ's relationship to the church? This is why God cautions/warns us about a pure life prior to marriage and fidelity in marriage. It is amazing to me the older I get how many people I see who take a very dim view of marriage. Yes, our contemporary world has it all figured out - date around, try as many out as you can. The nauseating cycle of the spiritually immature - were together, break up, together, break up, together, break up. To use a Facebook term - in a relationship, single, in a relationship, single, in a relationship, single, in a relationship, single. I won't even address issues with announcing these things to the whole world - perhaps in a later devotion. For the christian, this is a poor testimony at best. For the world in general, what is this training for? I would submit it is preconditioning ourselves to fail - ultimately, divorce, remarriage, divorce, remarriage. I see no evidence of dating, at least as we know it, anywhere in Scripture, yet that is our goal, our norm. In stark contrast, I see examples of OT men and women seeking God's will for a spouse, i.e. Isaac and Rebekah. I see NT priciples of purity and accountability before marriage and fidelity in marriage. Dating is nothing more than a system the world has devised and has convinced us that we must participate in to find a spouse. I John 2.15-17, "Love not the world..." This is referencing a system of doing things, and the clear teaching is that a christian should not adopt the world's way of doing things, but God's." We adopt the world system and expect that we will be successful and then blame God, godly people and christian brother's and sister's when we're not. Really, the question is do I believe that God is able or will I just do it myself. That is true in everything.

Why is a father so concerned about a child's choice/selection of spouse? Because of one word - "leave". As revealed above, the man shall leave his father and mother. Obviously, the wife will have to leave her father and mother if they are to cling together. This is a father's (parent's) last opportunity to have any significant part/influence in their child's life. Once the "leaving" takes place, a change in the parental relationship occurs. The two now cling to each other.

It is my earnest prayer that, assuming it is God's will for you both to be married at some point, that you will allow Him to guide you, by His Spirit and in accordance with His word to the person whom He has made especially for you. Someone who will care for you and support (food and shelter) you

and truly love you as Christ loved the church.

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