After forty long years of wilderness wanderings, the time had come for the children of Israel to enter the promised land. Joshua was commanded to have one man from each tribe (12) take twelve stones from the Jordan River. These stones were to be placed as a memorial for generations to come. Specifically, they were to be a reminder of how God had stopped the waters of the Jordan in order for the nation of Israel to cross on dry land.
There are references to these stones throughout Joshua 4, with verses 20 through 24 being the climax. Although the stones were to be a specific reminder to Israel, verse 24 reveals a more far-reaching purpose.
"When your children ask their fathers in time to come..." Future generations were going to take note of these stones. Apparently these stones did not just blend into the landscape. They were going to be noticed. They were going to stand out - stand out in such a way that future generations would know something was different about them. So different, in fact, that they were going to inquire as to their meaning.
As time marches on, I wonder if my life for Christ is like these stones. Does it stand out in such a way that people notice it? Are they repulsed by it, or do they actually see that there is something completely different about me that makes me stand out from the landscape of the world and not blend in with it? Does it stand out so much that people inquire as to what is so different about me.
Where are the the fathers today? Men of God who will be there to answer their children's questions concerning the stones. Children notice things and they seek answers. The world is always ready to give them answers. Fathers, does your life stand out like these stones? Is your life so different from the landscape of the world that your children actually come to you instead of the world? Are you ready to give them an answer?
The purpose of these stones was and is "so that all the peoples of the earth may know that the hand of the Lord is mighty, that you may fear the Lord your God forever." These stones were to point people to to God. Two specific purposes are named:
- "...that the hand of the Lord is mighty..." God had just stopped a river from flowing showing that all of creation is His and is subject to Him. He is in complete control and will accomplish His purposes. The stones were to be a reminder of God's omnipotent power. Is my life like these stones? Does my life show those around me God's omnipotent power? Am I submitted to Him in such a way that He can demonstrate His power not for my glory, but His?
- "...fear the Lord your God forever." The ultimate purpose of my life is so that others may fear the Lord forever. This includes the obvious meaning of fear. As I observe the world around me, there is little fear of God. There is very little mention of His power as it relates to His power over all the earth. Seems we only mention it to the degree that it benefits us and no more. Fear also means a respect and reverence. How do we do here? Sadly, there is very little respect and reverence for God. Instead of, "Be ye holy, for I am holy, 1 Peter 1:16," Jesus is cool.
He must increase, I must decrease!
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